AMRITSAR (31°38\'N, 74°53\'E), principal holy city of the Sikhs, is the headquarters of a district (Amritsar) in the Punjab. The foundation of the town was laid in 1577 by Guru Ram Das (1534-81) when he inauguarted the digging of the holy tank Amritsar (amrit = nectar, sar = pool) on a piece of land which, according to some sources, was purchased from the residents of the neighbouring village of Tung during the time of Guru Amar Das (1479-1574) and, according to other sources, was a gift from the Mughal Emperor Akbar (1542-1605) to Guru Amar Das\'s daughter, Bibi Bhani, married to (Guru) Ram Das.
AKBAR KHAN MUHAMMAD (d. 1848), son of Dost Muhammad Khan, the ruler of Afghanistan. He was a Hery young man of great dash and daring. Like his father, he was keen to regain the Afghan possessions in India Multan, Kashmir, Attock and Peshawar. In 1837, Dost Muhammad Khan declared a holy war against the Sikhs and attacked the fortress of Jamrud at the entrance to the Khaibar Pass. An attack led by Akbar Khan was repulsed, though the valiant Sikh general, Hari Singh Nalva, was killed in the action.
AMAR SINGH MAJITHIA (d. 1848). known as Amar Singh Khurd (junior) to distinguish him from his namesake Amar Singh Kalan (senior) who was also from the village of Majitha, son of Mahna Singh (d. 1802), was aJagmfar and military commander under Maharaja Ranjit Singh. He was placed in the Dera Khas. a regiment of irregular cavalry composed of the sons of the Sikh nobility. The young Amar Singh distinguished himself in the siege of Multan in 1818 and in the Kashmir campaign the following year. In 1834, he accompanied the army under Prince Nau Nihal Singh and General Hari Singh Nalva to Peshawar when the province was formally annexed to the Sikh kingdom.
ANGLOSIKH TREATY (AMRITSAR, 1809). Napoleon`s victories in Europe had alarmed the British, who, fearing a French attack on the country through Afghanistan, decided to win the Sikhs over to their side and sent a young officer, Charles Theophilus Met caife, to Maharaja Ranjit Singh`s court with an offer of friendship. Metcaife met the Maharaja in his camp at Khem Karan, near Kasur, on 12 September 1808, taking with him a large number of presents sent by the Governor General of India. He told him how the English wished to have friendly relations with him and presented to him the draft of a treaty.Ranjit Singh did not credit the theory that the British had made the proposal to him because of the danger from Napoleon. On the other hand, he showed his willingness to cooperate with the British, provided the latter recognized his claim of paramountcy over all the Majha and Malva Sikhs.
ATMA, Sanskrit at man, originally meant `breath`. Later the term came to connote `soul` or `principle of life`. The different systems of Indian philosophy gave it further semantic shades. Nyaya Visesaka considered atma a substance and endowed it with qualities of cognition, pleasure, pain, desire, aversion and effort. Sarikhya recognized it as an object of inference. Bhatta Mimansa held it as the object of internal perception (manaspratyaksa). Prabhakara Mimansa considered it to be the knowing ego revealed in the very act of knowledge and held it to be the subject and not the object of perception.
AMARAPURI (AMARAVATI) In the Sikh Scripture, instead of Amaravati, the word Amarapuri has been used. "Ineffable is the discourse of Amarapuri (the immortal city). He also attains unto it, whom the Lord blesses." (Swayye Mahle Chauthe Ke, p. 1398) Amaravati is the city of Indra, the king of the gods. In Devi Bhagavata its location has been described as follows: "The world of Brahma extends over 10,000 yojanas on the Mahameru mountain.
BALVAND, RAI, a rababi or rebeck player in the time of Guru Arjan and co-composer with Satta, said to be his brother, of a Var included in the Guru Granth Sahib in the Ramkali musical measure. He was by birth a mirasi, Muslim minstrel and genealogist, and sang the sacred hymns to the accompaniment of rebeck like Bhai Mardana used to do during the time of Guru Nanak. Not much authentic biographical information is available about him except that he and his brother, Satta, were contemporaries with Guru Arjan (1563-1606) for whom they recited sabdakirtan. According to another tradition, they started their career under Guru Arigad sometime after he succeeded Guru Nanak on the latter`s demise in 1539 and continued to serve the Gurus until the time of Guru Arjan.
BENTINCK, LORD WILLIAM CAVENDISH (1774-1839), Governor General of India, son of William Henry, third duke of Portland, was born on 14 September 1774. In 1803, he was appointed governor of Madras, but recalled in 1807 in consequence of the sepoy mutiny at Vellore. In 1827, Bentinck succeeded Lord Amherst as Governor General of India in which capacity he served till 1835. Lord William Bentinck`s policy towards the Sikh kingdom was dictated by the steady growth of a supposed Russo Persian threat to India`s northwestern frontier. In face of it, the Government of India adopted certain extraordinary measures.
BHANU BHAI, a Bahil Khatri of Rajmahal in the present Santhal Parganah of Bihar, was a devout Sikh of the time of Guru Hargobind. According to Bhai Mani Singh, Sikhan di Bhagat Mala, Bhai Bhanu once asked Guru Hargobind, "0 true king! Different religious books prescribe different paths to be followed such as austerities, pilgrimages, sacrifices, fasting, rituals, knowledge and meditation. Which is the best way to attaining the goal?" The Guru replied, "Cultivate God`s Name with humility, and you will obtain liberation."
BISHAMBHAR DAS, a businessman of Ujjain, was a devoted Sikh of the time of Guru Gobind Singh (1666-1708)....