GRANTH SRI GURMAT NIRNAYA SAGAR by Pandit Tara Singh Narolam is a pioneer work on Sikh theology and...
GURMANTRA, Punjabi Gurmantar, is that esoteric formula or term significant of the Supreme Being or the deity which the master or teacher confides to the neophyte to meditate on when initiating him into his spiritual discipline. The concept of mantra goes back to the pre-Vedic non Aryan tradition and to the primitive cults of magic, animism and to temism. It has since been a continuing element one way or another in the religious traditions of the world and traces of it pervade to this day among the most modern of them. The occultist and the tantrist believe that mantras have power over the deity and can make it confer the desired boon or favour.
HARSARAN DAS was news writer of the British government at the Sikh capital of Lahore who sent his reports to the political agent at Ludhiana. His despatches cover the period of political turmoil at Lahore from the death of Karivar Nau Nihal Singh, 8 November 1840, to the assassination of Maharaja Sher Singh, 15 September 1843. He refers to the differences that arose between the Sikh Darbar and the British government, particularly on account of the Darbar`s plans to occupy the two frontier territories of Swat and Buner. Harsaran Das had reported in his diaries that Sikhs had received a secret agent from Nepal and that the Gorkha general, Matabar Singh, had paid a clandestine visit to Lahore.
HOME MISCELLANEOUS SERIES is a manuscript series of records in the India Office Library, London. It is not chronologically arranged, and seems to have been classified to absorb surplus or duplicate copies of records which could not be included in the regular series. Many of the papers in this series relate to Sikh affairs and they include private letters of Captain Mathews, the Deputy Commissar of Ordnance at Fatehabad to the Acting Adjutant General, C.F. Falgan. Captain Mathews, who visited Lahore in his private capacity, was treated with much consideration by Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
JAGIRDARI, a feudal system of political and revenue administration based on jagir, lit. fief or grant of land received from the sovereign or a vassal owing fealty and obedience to him. Sikhs who, after the fall of Sirhind in early 1764, started occupying territory, did not automatically take to the jdgirdari system in vogue since the Sultanate and Mughal periods. Heads of various Sikh misis and lesser sarddrs or commanders had under them vast tracts of land, but their holdings were not jdgirs in the sense that they were owed to no sovereign above them.
JOTI BIGAS is the joint title of two poetic compositions, one in Persian and the other in Punjabi, by Bhai Nand Lal Goya, a devoted Sikh of Guru Gobind Singh, much revered in Sikh piety and in letters. Bhai Nand Lal`s verse is classed as approved Sikh canon and can be recited at religious assemblies along with the hymns of the Gurus. Both the works included mJoti Bigds are in the nature of a fervent homage to the Gurus, all ten of whom are acclaimed as sharing the same light, the same voice speaking through ten bodies. The work in Punjabi comprises forty-three couplets whereas the one in Persian has 175 couplets.