SANTMAL, by Bhai Sobha Ram, is an account in Punjabi verse, of the Sevapanthi sect. The work, still unpublished, was completed in Bk 1923/AD 1866. A copy of the manuscript is preserved in Dera Bhai Ram Kishan, Patiala. This manuscript copied in Bk 1927/AD 1870 comprises 255 folios, each folio, 12/1/2" X 6/ 1/2", containing 16 lines. The work falls in the category of hagiographical writing and follows the Puranic style of narration.
TAKHT, Persian word meaning a throne or royal seat, has, besides its common literal use, other connotations in the Sikh tradition. In Guru Granth Sahib, the Sikh Scripture, phrases such as sachcha takht (true throne) and pura takht (perfect throne) have been used to signify God`s seat of divine justice. Guru Nanak in Var Malar KI alludes to the created universe as His sacha takht (GG, 907), but also qualifies that "His is the sacha or everlasting takht while all else comes and goes" (GG, 1279). God in Sikh metaphysics is described as Formless but to make Him intelligible to the lay man He is sometimes personified and referred to as sacha sah, sultan, patsah meaning the true king or sovereign.
Var Patshahl Dasvin Ki, ballad in Punjabi by an unknown poet who describes, Guru Gobind Singh\'s battle against the combinded forces of hill rajas and the Mughal faujdar Rustam Khan. The poet has not mentioned where and when the action took place the names of the Mughal commander Rustam Khan and his brother Himmat Khan mentioned in the Var indicate that it was the battle of Nirmohgarh, fought in 1700. The Var opens with a supplicatory verse where after the poet straightway begins the narrative. Rustam Khan has arrived at the head of a Mughal host with the proclaimed hiect of routing the Guru and his Sikhs.
AKALI DAL, SHIROMANI (shiromani= exalted, foremost in rank; dal = corps, of akali volunteers who had shed fear of death), the premier political party of the modern period of Sikhism seeking to protect the political rights of the Sikhs, to represent them in the public bodies and legislative councils being set up by the British in India and to preserve and advance their religious heritage, came into existence during the Gurdwara reform movement, also known as the Akali movement, of the early 1920`s. Need for reform in the conditions prevalent in their places of worship had been brought home to Sikhs by the Singh Sabha upsurge in the last quarter of the nineteenth century.