KHALSA DARBAR, an organization representing different Sikh parties established on 27 September 1932 at Lahore to resist the operation of what had come to be known as the Communal Award announced by the British Government on 16 August 1932. Earlier, anticipating these proposals, an all party Sikh conference convened on 28 July 1932 under the president ship of Giani Sher Singh, vice-president of Central Sikh League, had rejected the Award for having ensured the Muslims a permanent majority in the Punjab Legislature without providing any effective safeguards for the Sikhs.
MUIN ULMULK (d. 1753), shortened to Mir Mannu, was the Mughal governor of the Punjab from April 1748 until his death in November 1753. He took over charge of the province after he had defeated the Afghan invader, Ahmad Shah Durrani, in the battle fought at Manupur, near Sirhind on 11 March 1748. In this battle his father, Wazir Qamar udDin, prime minister to the Mughal emperor of Delhi, was killed. As governor of the Punjab, Mir Mannu proved a worse foe of the Sikhs than even his predecessors Abd us Samad Khan (1713-26), Zakariya Khan (1726-45) and Yahiya Khan (1745-47), and continued the witch hunt with much greater severity.
PAHUL or amrit sanskdr, the name given in the Sikh tradition to the ceremony of initiation. The word pdhulor pahulis a derivative from a substantive, pahumeaning an agent which brightens, accelerates or sharpens the potentialities of a given object. In the history of the Sikh faith, the initiation ceremony has passed through two distinct phases. From the time of Guru Nanak (1469-1539), the founder, up to 16.99, charandmrit or pagpdhul was the custom.