BENTINCK, LORD WILLIAM CAVENDISH (1774-1839), Governor General of India, son of William Henry, third duke of Portland, was born on 14 September 1774. In 1803, he was appointed governor of Madras, but recalled in 1807 in consequence of the sepoy mutiny at Vellore. In 1827, Bentinck succeeded Lord Amherst as Governor General of India in which capacity he served till 1835. Lord William Bentinck`s policy towards the Sikh kingdom was dictated by the steady growth of a supposed Russo Persian threat to India`s northwestern frontier. In face of it, the Government of India adopted certain extraordinary measures.
HUMAYUN, NASIR UDDIN MUHAMMAD (1508-1556), Mughal emperor of India, was born at Kabul on 6 March 1508, the eldest of the four sons of ZahTr udDin Muhammad Babar. Humayuri succeeded Babar to the throne of Delhi in December 1530 at the age of 23, but his reign was beset with difficulties. Babar had left an empire barely held by force of arms and lacking any consolidated civil administration. Though earlier Humayuri had served an apprenticeship as governor of Badakhshari, he did not have the sustained energy of his versatile father. Sher Khan Sur, an Afghan chief, who had been consolidating his power in south Bihar, defeated him in a battle at Chausa on the Ganges, in 1540.
JAGIASI, also Jagiasu orJijnasu is a religious sect cognate with the UdasT section of the NanakpanthTs of Sindh. The word jagidsd is derived from Sanskrit jijndsd (desire to know), jagidsi denoting one desirous of knowledge, of spiritual insight. T`.ic members of the Jagiasi sect are mostly sahajdhdns i.e. gradualists, believing in the Gurus and following generally the Sikh tenets but not yet sworn as full members of the community. There arc however some who accept the rites of Khalsa initiation and wear long hair while some others add the suffix `Singh` to their names. Following the example of the founder of the sect, Baba Sri Chand, the elder son of Guru Nanak, the Udasts do not marry.
POTTINGER, SIR HENRY (1789-1856), soldier and diplomat, son of Eldred Curwen Pottinger, was born on 3 Ocober 1789. He obtained a cadetship in the Indian army in 1804. During 1809-11, he explored the country between Persia and India travelling incognito. He reported the results of his journey which were published in 1816 in book form in London under the title, Travels in Beluchistan and Sinde. In 1825, he was appointed resident in Cutch. In October 1831, Lord William Bentinck sent Henry Pottinger to Sindh on a "commercial" mission to persuade the Amirs to participate in the Indus navigation scheme.
TRIPARTITE TREATY (June 1838). As the rumours of Russian infiltration into Persia and Afghanistan spread in the late thirties of the nineteenth century, the Governor General, Lord Auckland, despatched Captain Alexander Burnes to Kabul to make an alliance with Amir Dost Muhammad. The Afghan ruler made Peshawar the price of his cooperation which the British could not afford without going to war with the Sikhs. Auckland had to choose between Dost Muhammad and Ranjit Singh. He chose Ranjit Singh and decided to seek his help in ousting Dost Muhammad and putting Shah Shuja` on the throne of Afghanistan.