BURN, LtCoL, who commanded British detachments at Deoband, now in Uttar Pradesh, led in 1804 an expedition against the cis Sutlej Sikh chiefs, Gurdit Singh ofLadva and Karnal, Sher Singh of Buna, Rai Singh of Jagadhri, Jodh Singh of Kalsia and Mahtab Singh of Thanesar, who had fought against the British in alliance with the Marathas in 1803. Burn`s troops joined hands with those of Birch and Skinner, and defeated the Sikhs at Saharanpur on 18 December 1804. The British commanderin chief granted amnesty to all the Sikhs except Gurdit Singh. Burn arrived at Karnal, and secured from him the surrender of the town.
MARTINDALE, an AngloIndian who is mentioned by Alexander Gardner in his Ranjit Singh and His White Officers as being in the infantry service of the Sikhs. He was the son of General Martindale, an officer who figured prominently in the Gurkhawar of 1814, his mother being Indian. Prior to joining the Sikh service, Martindale had served in the Skinner`s Horse.