GANA The Ganas, Gandharvas, Siddhas and saints...are engaged in uttering the infinite Praises of the Unapproachable and Unfathomab\'" Lord. (Devgandhari M. 5, p. 535) The Ganas and Gandharvas were emancipated through the remembrance of the Name of the Lord..... (Malar M. 3, p. 1259) Ganas or Gana-Devatas are the
BRAHMA Brahma bom in the navel lotus of Vishnu was called the son of Lotus. (Kama M. 4, p. 1309) Brahma manifested the hymns of the Veda but extended the attachment of maya. (Wadhans M. 3, p. 559) Only the maya of three modes came out from the mouth