MANIK, BHAI, of village Maddar in present day Sheikh upura district of Pakistan, received initiation as a Sikh at the hands of Guru Amar Das. When Guru Hargobind visited this village on his way back from Kashmir in 1620, Manik served him with devotion and narrated to him the
ATAL RAI, BABA (1619-1628), son of Guru Hargobind (1595-1644), was born to Mata Nanaki at Amritsar on 23 October 1619. He died at the tender age of nine years. The circumstances of his death, as narrated in Gurbilas Chhevin Patshahi, were most extraordinary. Atal Rai had a playmate, Mohan,
DESU, Jatt of Chahal clan, was a minor chief at Bhikhi, in present day Bathinda district, when Guru Tegh Bahadur visited that village travelling through the Malva region in 1672-73. As he came to see him, the Guru asked him why he carried a walking stick in his quiver.
KIDARA, BHAI, an inhabitant of the village of Maddar, now in Sheikhupura district of Pakistan, was a devout Sikh of the time of Guru Arjan. He was, according to the tradition preserved in his village, miraculously cured of a wasting disease. The story was, as says Bhai Santokh Singh,