MADHO SINGHANA is a village 15 km south of Sirsa in Haryana. Guru Gobind Singh after leaving Sirsa towards the South made his first halt here. As the village was totally populated by Muslims, no memorial shrine existed until a lone Nihang Singh established a gurdwara during the 1970\'s along the road leading to Ellenabad.
DAL SINGAR, lit. ornament or embellishment (singar) of the army (dal), was the name of one of Guru Gobind Singh`s warhorses.According to Bhai Santokh Singh, Sri Gur Pratap Suraj Granth, one Kapura Jatt, "master of several villages in the jungle," (the reference probably is to Chaudhari Kapura Bairar of Kot Kapura, founder of the Faridkot family), had purchased this horse for Rs 1,100 and sent it to Guru Gobind Singh as a present. The Guru assigned it to his personal stables and named it Dal Singar.
MANGA, BHAI, a musician by profession was among Guru Nanak`s leading disciples. He has been described by Bhai Gurdas, Varan, XI. 13, as a lover of gurbani or the Guru`s word.