SHABAD HAJARE PATSHAHI 10 is the title by which a complement of 10 of Guru Gobind Singh`s sabdas in the Dasam Granth is known. In the text these sabdas appear under the individual rag"as in which they have been composed, carrying no specific title as such. Shabad Hajare is
BRAHM DAS, PANDIT, described in the Puratan Janam Sakhi as a learned man of Kashmir, is said to have been a resident of Bij Bihara, near Matan. Once Guru Nanak journeying through the valley halted close to where he lived. As Brahm Das, proud of his learning, heard of
DAKHANE, title of sixty-nine slokas by Guni Arjan, incorporated in his var in the measure Maru, three each with its twenty-three pauris or stanzas. The word dakhne (Skt. daksini) means `southern.` The language of these verses is a dialect of the southern Punjab, now in Pakistan, known as Multani