MACHHA (MATSYA)(fish incarnation) Machh (Matsya or flsh incarnation), and Kachh (Kurama or tortoise incarnation)incarnated under the Will of the Lord. (Maru M. 5, p. 1082) A tora (Machh).....was redeemed in the company of the saint (Guru). (Malar M. 5, p. 1269) It is said that the object of this
SAUNA (SAUNAKA) Saturday—Consideration of the Shastra of Sauna (Saunaka, a sage) dealing with omens (whether an action is good or bad, which time is suitable or unsuitable for that action) is merely whim and ego; the whole world is deluded in it. (Bilawal M. 3. Var Sat, p. 841)
BASISTA (VASISHTHA) The enlightened sage (Gurmukh) Basista, delivered the sermon about God (Hari). (Wadhans Ki Var M. 4, p. 591) Vasishtha is one of the most famous Indian sages. He was the author of several hymns of Rig Veda. In one of the hymns of the Rig Veda, he