KACHHA (KURAMA)(Tortoise Incarnation) Machh (Matsya incarnation), Kachh, Kurama (names of Tortoise incarnation) took birth according to the \'will of the Lord. (Maru M. 5, p. 1082) The ten incarntions were created under the Will of the Lord. (Maru M. l, p. 1037) Both the words Kachh and Kurama are
AGASTYA Though ambrosia, moon, elysian cow, Lakshmi, the miraculous tree, the sun\'s steed and the physician Dhanantar arose from the ocean, who is the Lord of the rivers, yet on account of its Karmas (actions), its saltishness does not end. (Dhanasari Trilochan, p. 695) In the above reference, the
KAMALA-PATI (KAMALA KANTA) Kamala-Pati, the husband of Kamala (Lakshmi) i.e. Vishnu and Kavala i.e. Lakshmi do not know the Lord. (Dhanasari Kabir, p. 691) Kamala-Kanta, the husband of Kamala (Lakshmi) i.e. the Lord of Maya or God who enacts wonders..... (Maru M. 5, p. 1082) Kamala-Pati means the husband
AVATAR (Incarnation) The Avatars do not know the limits of God; the Supreme Ishvara, the Transcendental Lord is Infinite. (Ramkali M. 5, p. 894) There are millions of incamating Vishnus. (Bhairo M. 5, p. 1156) Under God\'s Will ten Avatars were created. (Maru M. l, p. 1037) The exploits
LAKSHMI (LACHHMI or LAKHMI) All the gods make obeissance to Lakhmi (Lakshmi). (Bhairo M. 3, p. l] 54) The Lord, in whose house there is ever youthful Lachhmi (Lakshmi). (Malar Namdev, p. 1292) Lakshmi is the goddess of fortune. She is one of the gems (Ratan), which sprang out
AVATARS OF VISHNU (Incarnations of Vishnu) There are millions of incarnating Vishnus. (Bhairo M. 5, p. 1156) Under the Will of the Lord, ten incarnations (of Vishnu) were created. (Mani M. l, f,. 1037) Krishan (It connotes Vishnu here) is always busy in incarnating himself; whom should then the
MADHUKEET (MADHU and KAITABHA) My Lord destroyed the -demons without the practice of devotion including Sahasbahu, Madhukeet, Mehkhasa..... (Gauri M. l, p. 224) Episode: Madhu and Kaitabha were two formidable demons, who sprung from the ear of Vishnu, when he;;was sunk in his sleep of contemplation (Yoganidra) at the
BAIKUNTHA (VAIKUNTHA) Everyone talks of going there, but I do not know the situation of Baikuntha. They do not know their own secrets, they only mention Baikuntha in their talk. As long as the mind hopes to go to Baikuntha, till that time, it cannot abide at the Feet
MACHHA (MATSYA)(fish incarnation) Machh (Matsya or flsh incarnation), and Kachh (Kurama or tortoise incarnation)incarnated under the Will of the Lord. (Maru M. 5, p. 1082) A tora (Machh).....was redeemed in the company of the saint (Guru). (Malar M. 5, p. 1269) It is said that the object of this
BALI The (demon) king Bali was inflated with ego because of his wealth. With great pride, he performed Yajnas (sacrificial feasts). Without getting the advice of the Guru, he was sent to the nether-world. (Gauri M. l, p. 224) (Vishnu as) Vamana had asked for only two and a
NARASINGH (Man-lion incarnation) The Lord manifested Himself by tearing off the column and killed the egoistic demon. (Bhairo M. 3, p. 1154) The Lord came out of the column assuming huge size and killed Hiranyaksha (Hiranyakashipu) with his nails. That Supreme Purusha and God of gods manifested Himself as
BAWANA (VAMANA INCARNATION) Vishnu, who had assumed the form of Bawana (Vamana-dwarf), asked for two and a half steps of earth under some pretext, if (the demon king) Bali had recognised Him, why could he has been deceived for going to the nether-regions (Patala) ? (Prabhati M. l, p.