GUNVANTI, lit. a woman of becoming qualities, is the title of one of Guru Arjan`s compositions, in measure Suhi, in the Guru Granth Sahib (GG, 763). It follows Guru Nanak`s Kuchajl (lit. an awkward, illmannered woman) and Suchaji (lit. a woman of good manner). The term gunvanti is figuratively used for a true, meritorious devotee. Like the hymns of Guru Nanak, this one too is uttered in the first person, and by implication, it sums up qualities characteristic of a true and pious Sikh.
PATIT, an adjective formed from patan meaning fall, decline or degradation, with its roots in Sanskrit pat which means, variously, "to fall, sink, descend; to fall in the moral sense; to lose caste, rank or position," usually denotes one who is morally fallen, wicked, degraded or out caste. It is slightly different from the English word `apostate`, which usually stands for one who abandons his religion for another voluntarily or under compulsion. A patit is one who commits a religious misdemeanour or transgression, yet does not forsake his professed faith. He may seek redemption and may be readmitted to the communion after due penitence.
BACHAN SAIN LOKA KE, a book of morals in Punjabi prose belonging to the Sevapanthi sect. There is no internal evidence to establish its date or authorship, but several of the bachans or sayings in this work are identical with those in Sahaj Ram\'s Pothi Asavarian. A manuscript copy of this work is preserved in the Central Public Library, Patiala, under MS. No. 2142. In the text, man is adjured to overcome attachment and ever to remember God who is the Creator of all things, sentient and insentient, and watches over all. Poverty is a blessing; the riches are not accumulated without sin (1617).
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