BRAHAM GIAN (Knowledge of the Divine), by a Sevapanthi saint Gopal Das, is a treatise in Punjabi on theology. The work is unpublished and the only extant copy of the manuscript is preserved in the private collection of Dr Tarlochan Singh Bedi at Patiala. It contains 219 folios and was written presumably in the first half of the eighteenth century. Another incomplete copy of the manuscript existed under MS. No. 1700 in the Sikh Reference Library, Amritsar, until it perished in 1984 in the Army attack on the Golden Temple premises.
GURUSHABAD RATANAKAR MAHAN KOSH, more popularly known by its shorter title Mahan Kosh, the great dictionary, by the celebrated man of letters and lexicographer, Bhai Kahn Singh, of Nabha, is a work unexcelled for its neatness and refinement of expression and monumental in its scope and size. It would indeed do justice to the title "Encyclopaedia." It is amazing how an individual conceived and planned a work of such a vast dimension and how he accomplished it single handed in a single lifetime.
MANI SINGH JANAM SAKHI, also known as CYAN RATNAVALI and traditionally attributed to Bhai Mani Singh, a famous Sikh of the early eighteenth century martyred by the Mughal governor of Lahore, Zakariya Khan, in 1737, is a collection of 225 anecdotes related to the life of Guru Nanak and some exegetical and theological discourses. Two manuscripts held by Khalsa College, Amritsar, are dated 1891 Bk/ADl834, and 1895 Bk/AD 1838, respectively, and of the three others in a private collection at Patiala two are also dated 1883 Bk/AD 1826, and 1927 Bk/AD 1870, and although the third and the oldest one bears the date 1778 Bk/AD 1721, it is evident from its contents and the modern style of its language that its actual date must be much later.According to S.S. Ashok, Panjabi Hath likhatan di Suchi, four other undated manuscripts, two of them complete and two incomplete, also existed but they were probably destroyed during the army`s invasion of the Darbar Sahib complex in 1984.
RATAN DAM by Tahkan, a translation and adaptation into Braj of Acharya Amar Singh`s Amar Kosh, the famous Sanskrit lexicon. Tahkan was one of the several poets who kept Guru Gobind Singh (1666-1708) company. In preparing Ratan Dam, the poet consulted works other than Amar Kosh as well. The manuscript which has so far remained unpublished comprises twentyeight chapters. The only extant copy (No. 2421) is preserved in the Central State Library, Patiala.
Sandhu, Gulzar Singh was born at Kotia Badia, district Ludhiana in 1933/5, his mother\'s native place. His family hails from the village of Soni in Hoshiarpur district. Both from the father\'s side and the mother\'s side, he draws upon a lineage of Jagirdars or fief-holders from the time of the Sikh rule, but by no means aristocrats in worldly possessions. Sandhu did his B.A. from the Khalsa College, Mahilpur, in 1953, and later did his M.A. in English Literature from the Punjab University. He migrated to Delhi and secured an editorial job in the well-known Punjabi monthly, Pritam. Later, he switched over to a sub-editor\'s job in the Punjabi section of the Publications Division of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research.
SAKHlAN BHAI ADDAN SHAH is a collection of sakhis or anecdotes concerning Bhai Addan Shah, a celebrated saint of the Sevapanthi sect. The extant manuscripts of the work are all undated, but the surmise is that these were written around the middle of the eighteenth century when Bhai Addan Shah was putting up at Munde Sharih in Lahore addressing sahgats and preaching the Sikh way of life. The manuscripts are also silent about their authorship, but tradition attributes them to Bhai Sahaj Ram, a disciple of Addan Shah, and himself a renewed Sevapanthi saint. The work was first published in 1886 at Matba Gulshan Punjab, Rawalpindi, and reprinted in 1958 by the SevapanthiAddan Shahi Sabha, Patiala.