Sikhan De Raj Di Vithia, by Shardha Ram Philauri, written in Punjabi in 1922 Bk/A.D. 1866 and publihed in A.D. 1868 contains an account of the Punjab from Guru Nanak (1469-1539), founder of the Sikh faith, to the advent of the British in 1849. It was primarily meant for the new English administrators who had come into the Punjab in the wake of annexation. An English translation of the book made by Henry Court was first published in 1888. Bhai Jawahir Singh brought out another English translation of the book in 1901, with a lengthy introduction pointing out the numerous factual errors in the work.
JANAM SAKHI SRI GUR NANAKU SAH KI by Sant Das Chhibbar is a versified biography of Guru Nanak (1469-1539), founder of the Sikh faith, based primarily on Janam Sakhi Bhai Raid. A manuscript copy of the work is preserved in the Central Public Library, Patiala, under MS. No. 2737. This script is dated 1838 Bk/AD 1781. Two more manuscripts were preserved in the Sikh Reference Library, Amritsar, until it perished in the aimy action in 1984.A published version of the work, based on all the three manuscripts then available, has been brought out by Punjabi University, Patiala, in 1985.
NANAK PRAKASH, by Bhai Mahendranath Bose, is a biography of Guru Nanak in the Bengali language. The author was a follower of Keshabchandra Sen, and the followers of Sen used the word Bhai or Rev. Bhai for one another to convey a sense of close kinship and brotherhood. He had lived in the Punjab in 1871 in connection with his missionary work, and had learnt Punjabi and acquainted himself with Sikh literature. He planned to write a life sketch of Guru Nanak and began serializing his account in the Bengali journal Dharmatatva (July 1883). Interrupting the series, he started work on a book Nanak Prakdsh, the first part of which was published in 1885 and the second in 1893.
JANGNAMA LAHOW:, by Kahn Singh, is a poem describing the battles fought between the British and the Sikhs during 1845-46. Kahn Singh belonged to Bariga, Jalandhar district, and undertook the work at the instance of the British Deputy Commissioner of the area, Mr Vanistart. Though there is no internal evidence to date the work, we can safely assume it to have been completed sometime before 1853 as one of the several manuscript copies of the work which are extant is dated 1910 Bk/AD 1853 by the scribe. The only printed text available is in the anthology Prdchin Varan te Jangndme, edited by Shamsher Singh Ashok.
NANAK VIJAI, more properly known as Sn Guru Nanak Vijai, in manuscript, is a narration in verse of the events of Guru Nanak`s life. During his journeys across the country and outside, Guru Nanak met a variety of people whom he won over by his gentle and persuasive manner. This explains the title of the work Ndnak Vijai, which literally means "Victory of Nanak." The author, Sant Ren, originally from Kashmir, had settled down in the Punjab towards the end of his life. He was born in AD 1741 at Srinagar in a Gaur Brahman family.
SANTMAL, by Bhai Sobha Ram, is an account in Punjabi verse, of the Sevapanthi sect. The work, still unpublished, was completed in Bk 1923/AD 1866. A copy of the manuscript is preserved in Dera Bhai Ram Kishan, Patiala. This manuscript copied in Bk 1927/AD 1870 comprises 255 folios, each folio, 12/1/2" X 6/ 1/2", containing 16 lines. The work falls in the category of hagiographical writing and follows the Puranic style of narration.