GURUSHABAD RATANAKAR MAHAN KOSH, more popularly known by its shorter title Mahan Kosh, the great dictionary, by the celebrated man of letters and lexicographer, Bhai Kahn Singh, of Nabha, is a work unexcelled for its neatness and refinement of expression and monumental in its scope and size. It would indeed do justice to the title "Encyclopaedia." It is amazing how an individual conceived and planned a work of such a vast dimension and how he accomplished it single handed in a single lifetime.
MANI SINGH JANAM SAKHI, also known as CYAN RATNAVALI and traditionally attributed to Bhai Mani Singh, a famous Sikh of the early eighteenth century martyred by the Mughal governor of Lahore, Zakariya Khan, in 1737, is a collection of 225 anecdotes related to the life of Guru Nanak and some exegetical and theological discourses. Two manuscripts held by Khalsa College, Amritsar, are dated 1891 Bk/ADl834, and 1895 Bk/AD 1838, respectively, and of the three others in a private collection at Patiala two are also dated 1883 Bk/AD 1826, and 1927 Bk/AD 1870, and although the third and the oldest one bears the date 1778 Bk/AD 1721, it is evident from its contents and the modern style of its language that its actual date must be much later.According to S.S. Ashok, Panjabi Hath likhatan di Suchi, four other undated manuscripts, two of them complete and two incomplete, also existed but they were probably destroyed during the army`s invasion of the Darbar Sahib complex in 1984.
RANI RAJINDRAMATI CHARITRA by Sahib Singh Mrigind is a versified account (charitra = character; portrayal) in Braj (Gurmukhi characters) of Queen (rdm== queen) Jindan, the wife of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, here referred to as Rajindramati. Sahib Singh Mrigind (c. 1800-1876) who later became the court poet in the princely state of Jind, served the Sikh Darbar in the early years of his life, but had to leave Lahore following differences with Rani Jindari (Jind Kaur), widow of the Sikh sovereign. Because of his personal grudge against her and because of his loyalty to the Jind rulers who were pro-British, he presents the Rani in very poor light