
Explore the intriguing world of apocryphal Sikh compositions, unaccepted in the Guru Granth Sahib, exploring their origins and spiritual insights.

BHAGAT (BHAKTA) BANI The Sikh Holy Book, Sri Guru Granth Sahib, comprises writings coming from two sources the sayings of the Gurus and those of the Bhagats (Bhaktas). The term Bhagat here broadly covers, besides some of the saints of medieval India whose compositions occur in the Guru Granth Sahib, those outside of the Guru line whose compositions were entered in the holy book by Guru Arjan (1563-1606) who compiled the Granth. All these contributors are in common parlance collectively called Bhagats. Under this rubric bhagat is included Shaikh Farid, the Sufi. 

Discover the diverse themes and cultural integration in Jeet Gurmukh Singh's prolific Punjabi writings. A Marxian critic with a progressive approach.

Explore the inspiring life of Bhai Sihan, a devoted Sikh who served Guru Nanak and shared his hymns. Uncover stories of faith and hospitality.

4 years Ago

Explore the deeper meaning of Aarti in Hinduism and Sikhism, where true worship goes beyond rituals and embraces the beauty of nature and truth.

4 years Ago

Explore the profound concept of Aatma and its connection to Paramaatma, God, and the transcendental self in Sikh and Hindu philosophies.


Explore the distinctive and largely unknown Sikh architectural style, with its rich history in gurdwaras, forts, and palaces, by S.S. Bhatti.


Discover the captivating history and architecture of Samman Burj, the octagonal Mughal marvel in Lahore Fort, known for its royal and administrative legacy.

The Sikh Encyclopedia

This website based on Encyclopedia of Sikhism by Punjabi University , Patiala by Professor Harbans Singh.