PARAGA (PRAYAGA) Bathing in Paraga (Prayaga) etc. do not equal the Praises of the Name of the Lord. (Gond Namdev, p. 873) Giving away great meterials in charity in the month of Magh at Paraga (Prayaga) and getting the body sawed at Kashi— without the Name of the Lord
JADAVA (YADAVA) By cutting joke with Durbasa, Jadavas obtained the fruit (punishment). (Dhanasari Namdev, p. 693) Yadavas are the descendants of Yadu, the eldest son of Yayati and Devayani. They were mainly cowherds. When Krishna was bom, they seem to have settled in the neighbourhood of Mathura on the
JAMUNA (YAMUNA) Ganga, Jamuna, Godavari and Sarasvati make effort to touch the dust of the feet of saints. (Malar M. 4, p. 1263) It is the Guru (Ramdas), who assumed the birth and work of Machh (fish incarnation), Kachh (tortoise incamation) and Baraha (boar incarnation) and who (as Krishna)