KAMALA PUTA Brahma, born of lotus (the son of Lotus) and Vyasa, bom of fish, performed austerities and became adorable. (Kanra M. 4, p. 1309) Brahma was born in the navel-lotus of Vishnu, therefore he is called the son of Lotus. In order to know the Lord, he travelled
YUGAS (AGES): In all the four ages, the True Bani (Divine hymns) is the ambrosia.(Dhanasan M. 3, p- 665) In all the four ages, they are seiled and full of dilt, whose mouths do not utter the Name of the Lord.(Sri Raga M. l, p. 57) The Yugas (ages)
JOTI BIGAS is the joint title of two poetic compositions, one in Persian and the other in Punjabi, by Bhai Nand Lal Goya, a devoted Sikh of Guru Gobind Singh, much revered in Sikh piety and in letters. Bhai Nand Lal`s verse is classed as approved Sikh canon and can