ROHLA SAHIB, GURDWARA, within the limits of Jangi Rana, a village 20 km southwest of Bathinda (30° 14`N, 74° 59`E), is sacred to Guru Gobind Singh who, according to Sdkhi Potht, once put up here near a shrine commemorating a martyr, barber Rohla. The older shrine no longer exists. The new Gurdwara, raised in honour of Guru Gobind Singh, is a twostoreyed building, with the sanctum in the middle of the hall on the ground floor. The shrine is managed by a Niharig Sikh of the Buddha Dal.
ROHTAS (30° 55`N, 73° 48`E), town in Jehlum district of Pakistan had a historical Sikh shrine, Gurdwara Choha Sahib, commemorating the visit of Guru Nanak (1469-1539) during his western uddsi or preaching tour. Later in 1542, Sher Shah Suri raised around the habitation a strong fort which he named Rohtas after one of his important citadels in Bihar. Rohtas is the name which the town now celebrates. Gurdwara Choha Sahib on the bank of a seasonal stream, Ghan, stood outside the Fort to the north of it.
RORI SAHIB GURUDWARA, EMINABAD Eminabad, an old town 15 kilometres south of Gujrariwala, is linked to Grand Trunk Road and Eminabad railway station by four-kilometres stretch of metalled road. It has three historical shrines Gurudwara Rori Sahib, half-a-kilometre northwest of the town, marks the place where once Guru Nanak Dev, probably after the pillage of Eminabad by Babar in 1521, had to stay on a bed of broken stones (rori in Punjabi). Its central building is a three-storey imposing structure of cut brick work and is pyramidal in design with a rectangular hall adjoining it on one side and a sarovar on the other.
ROSHAN SINGH, Sikh warrior in attendance upon Guru Gobind Singh, who once killed a lion single handed. During their journey to the Deccan in 1708, records Kuir Singh, Gurbilas Patshahi 10, Guru Gobind Singh and Emperor Bahadur Shah were out together on an hunting excursion when they suddenly found themselves face to face with a lion. Bahadur Shah dared his men to kill the beast without the use of a firearm or bow and arrow. Two of his soldiers tried one after the other, but were killed by the lion.
ROUND TABLE CONFERENCES, held in London during 1930-32, were a series of high level meetings attended by representatives of the British government, rulers of Indian princely states and leaders of public opinion in British India to discuss proposals for introducing further constitutional reforms in India on the basis of the Simon Commission`s report. The adjectival term `round table`, reminding one of the Arthurian legends, has been defined as "pertaining to a conference, discussion or deliberation in which each participant has equal status.
RUHILASIKH RELATIONS. The Ruhilas came from the Yusafzai tribe of Afghans originally belonging to Roh, a tract of land south of Chitral in the North-West Frontier region. They established themselves in the early years of the eighteenth century as a semi independent power in the district lying between the River Ganges and the Kumaon hills and extending eastwards up to Shahjahanpur. Their first powerful chief, `All Muhammad, received from the Emperor Muhammad Shah a mansab or rank of the 4,000 grade and was appointed faujdar of Sirhind in 1745. Ala Singh, the founder of Patiala state, made alliance with him and joined him in a campaign against the Muslim chief of Raikot.
RUKN UDDIN. QAZI or QADI (Rukan Din of the Janam Sakhis), supposed to be a shrine caretaker, chanced to meet Guru Nanak during his visit to Mecca. The Purdtan Janam Sdkht narrates the story: "It had been inscribed in books beforehand that Nanak, a dervish, would come. Then water would rise in the wells of Mecca. The Guru entered the holy precincts. He lay down in the colonnade to rest.
RULIA SINGH, a Ghadr leader, was the son of Bhai Jagat Singh of the village of Sarabha in Ludhiana district. Because of his meagre means, he left home to seek employment outside the country.This he ultimately found in Astoria, Oregon, in the United States, where many Punjab is were working on farms. Kartar Singh Sarabha, then a student at the University of California, Berkeley, used to come to that area during the holidays.