SAHIB GANJ (2513N, 87"38`E), a town in Santhal Pargana district of Bihar, was visited by Guru Tegh Bahadur in 1666. He is said to have stayed here at the Old Nanak Shahi Sangat, commemorating Guru Nanak`s visit in the early sixteenth century. The Sangat still exists. The Guru Granth Sahib was installed here in a hut with a sloping roof of baked dies till 1938, when the present room was constructed by a Marvari businessman Lattu Mall.
SAHIB SINGH, BHAI (1665-1705), one of the Pahj Piare or the Five Beloved of revered memory in the Sikh tradition, was born the son of Bhai Guru Narayana, a barber of Bidar in Karnataka, and his wife Ankamma. Bidar had been visited by Guru Nanak early in the sixteenth century and a Sikh shrine had been established there in his honour. Sahib Chand, as Sahib Singh was called before he underwent the rites of the Khalsa, travelled to Anandpur at the young age of 16, and attached himself permanently to Guru Gobind Singh. He won a name for himself as marksman and in one of the battles at Anandpur he shot dead the Glyjar chief Jamatulla.
SAHIB SINGH, PROFESSOR (1892-1977), grammarian and theologian, was born on 16 February 1892 in a Hindu family of the village of Phattevali in Sialkot district of undivided Punjab. He was originally named Natthu Ram by his father, Hiranand, who kept a small shop in the village. Soon the family shifted to Tharpal, another village in the same district. As a youth, Natthu Ram was apprenticed to the village Maulawi, Hayat Shah, son of the famous Punjabi poet, Hasham, upon whom his royal patron, Ranjit Singh, the Maharaja of the Punjab, had settled a permanent Jagir Winning a scholarship at his middle standard examination, Natthu Ram joined the high school at Pasrur where he received in 1906 the rites of the Khalsa and his new name Sahib Singh.
SAHOVAL, village 8 km southwest of Sialkot (32"30`N, 74"32`E) in Pakistan, is sacred to Guru Nanak (1469-1539) who once came here travelling from Sialkot and , according to local tradition, stayed under a ber tree (Ziziphus maiiritiana) near a pond for seven days. A gurdwara was later raised here and the pond lined into a sarovar or holy tank named Nanaksar. Gurdwara Nanaksar preserved within its compound the ber tree, reverently called Ber Sahib, under which Guru Nanak is said to have halted temporarily. The shrine was abandoned at the time of the 1947 exodus following the partition of the Punjab.