SARTHALI, a village 10 km south of Nurpur Bedi on Ropar Nurpur Bedi road in Ropar district of the Punjab, is sacred to Guru Gobind Sihgh, who arrived here from Anandpur on a brief visit. Gurdwara Ranthamba Sahib Patshahi Dasvin on the southern periphery of the village marks the spot where the Guru is believed to have stayed awhile. The sanctum is a 3.75metre square domed room in front of which a hall was built in 1970. A 21metrehigh Nishan Sahib stands on the left front of the main building. It is an unscheduled Gurdwara affiliated to the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee and is managed by a committee of the local sangat.
SATGUR KA VANS, by Bhai Ram Singh, is a late nineteenth century work in the genealogy genre. No...
SATI or sachch, Punjabi form of the Sanskrit satya or sat, lit. truth, in the philosophical sense is essential and ultimate reality as against inessential or partial truth. Rooted in Sanskrit as meaning "to be, live, exist, be present, to abide, dwell, stay", satya means " true, real, pure," as also the "quality of being abidingly true, real, existent." Satya or satyam is a widely used term in the philosophical thought of India. It signifies eternality, continuity and unicity. In the Upanisads sat (truth) is the first of the three essential characteristics of Brahman, the other two being chit (intelligence) and anand (bliss). In Vedanta philosophy, the one permanent reality, Brahman, is called Sat, while the phenomenal fluxional world is named asat (nonreal).
SATI DAS, BHAI (d. 1675), the martyr, was the younger brother of Diwan Mati Das. According to Bhatt Vahl Talauda he served Guru Tegh Bahadur as a cook. He was, under imperial warrant, detained along with the Guru at Dhamtan, as the latter was travelling to the eastern parts in 1665. He was again in attendance upon the Guru when, in 1675, the latter lefl Anandpur resolved to court martyrdom. The Guru and his companions were arrested on the way and taken to Delhi. Like his brother Mati Das, Sati Das refused to perjure his faith and was tortured to death. Wrapped up in cotton wool, he was set afire and roasted alive. This happened on 11 November 1675 the day Guru Tegh Bahadur was executed.
SATVANT KAUR, whose full title is Snmatf Satvant Kaur di Jivan Vithia, is a historical romance by Bhai Vir Singh. Its first part was published in 1900 and the second in 1927. In later editions, both parts were combined in a single volume. The plot has been set against the backdrop of the Afghan invasions of the Punjab in the eighteenth century. With Ahmad Shah Durrani`s fourth raid in 1756 is linked the story of the heroic Sikh girl, Satvant Kaur, who, having been abducted to Kabul, undergoes untold tribulation but remains stread fast in her devotion to her religious faith.