TOKA SAHIB, GURDWARA, established in honour of Guru Gobind Singh, who stayed here for a few days in 1688, is on the border of Himachal Pradesh and Haryana. The Gurdwara is in Sirmur district of Himachal Pradesh, but the nearest village Tota, about one kilometre to the southeast, is in Ambala district of Haryana. The Gurdwara is a modest flat roofed room, with an allround verandah. An improvised hut near by serves as the residence of alone Nihang who looks after the shrine.
TOSHAKHANA, from Persian toshakhanah (toshah = food or provisions for journey or food articles in general+ khana = house, store) or tosha khana (toshak = bedding, clothing + khana) means in Punjabi a treasury or secured storehouse for valuables. It is now generally used for the storehouse in the Darbar Sahib complex at Amritsar where costly items presented as offerings at the Harimandar, the Akal Takht and the shrine of Baba Atal accumulated over the centuries, mostly during the Sikh rule in the Punjab, are normally kept under tight security. They are taken out for jalau or display in the shrines on special occasions such as major festivals or anniversaries.
TRANSMIGRATION OF THE SOUL. doctrine of rebirth based on the theory that an individual soul passes at death into a new body or new form of life. Central to the concept is the principle of universal causality, i.e. a person must receive reward or punishment if not here and now then in a subsequent birth, for his actions in the present one. The soul, it is held, does not cease with the physical body, but takes on a new birth in consequence of the person`s actions comprising thoughts, words and deeds. The cumulative effect of these determines his next existence. Attached to worldly objects, man will continue in the circuit of birth death rebirth until he attains spiritual liberation, annulling the effect of his past actions.
TREATY WITH GULAB SINGH, 16 March 1846. Gulab Singh Dogra was formally invested with the title of Maharaja on 15 March 1846 and on the following day was concluded between him and the British government a treaty whereby he was recognized as ruler of the hill territory of Jammu and Kashmir, the erstwhile provinces of the Sikh kingdom of Lahore. This included "all the hilly or mountainous country with its dependencies, situated to the eastward of the River Indus, and westward of the River Ravi." In consideration of the transfer made to him, Maharaja Gulab Singh was to pay to the British government a sum of seventy five lacs of Nanakshahl rupees.