CHARYARI SOWARS was the name given to an irregular cavalry regiment in Sikh times. It owed its origin to four friends, or Char (four) Your (friends), who were seen together all the time. Their names were: Bhup Singh Siddhu.Jit Singh, Ram Singh Saddozai and Hardas Singh Bania. They were all young men of the same age, very handsome, well built and always elegantly dressed. Maharaja Ranjit Singh became very fond of the foursome and employed them as soldiers. He was so impressed by their bearing that he gave them fine horses to ride and created a regiment named Charyari Sowars after them.
CHATAR SINGH COLLECTION, comprising correspondence, papers, treaties, etc., particularly relating to transactions among the Dogra chiefs of Jammu (Dhian Singh, Gulab Singh and Suchet Singh) and between them and the Lahore Darbar, was put together by Thakur Chatar Singh of Dharamsala and is now preserved in the Punjab State Archives, at Patiala. These documents are mostly certified copies, very few of them being the original ones. The Handlist in the Archives (Nos. 490551) enumerates sixty-two documents in this collection, beginning from 9 March 1846 and contains correspondence of 0. St. John, the British Resident in Kashmir (No. 497) ; Col. Nisbet (No. 498) ; H.S. Barnes (No. 500) ; and Sir Frederick Currie (No. 501) all relating to Raja Gulab Singh and Kashmir.
CHATTHIAN DI VAR is a Punjabi ballad describing the battle between Mahan Singh, father of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, and Ghulam Muhammad Chattha, a Muslim chieftain of the Chattha clan of the Jatts. The poet is some Pir Muhammad, whose name appears in some verses of the poem. The Var was first published in Persian script by Qazi Fazal Haq, a teacher at Government College, Lahore. According to his statement, Pir Muhammad, the poet, was a resident of Gujrat district, and he composed this ballad in the early years of the British occupation of the Punjab.
CHATURBHUJ POTHI, which forms the third part of what is known as the Miharban Janam Sakhi, is the work of Sodhi Chaturbhuj, the youngest of the three sons of Sodhi Miharban (1581-1639), son of Guru Arjan\'s elder brother, Prithi Chand (1558-1618). The only known MS. of the pothi (book) preserved in the Sikh Historical Research Department of Khalsa College, Amritsar, forms part of a single work divided into three parts, Sachkhand Pothi by Miharban, Pothi Hariji by Miharban\'s second son and successor, Hariji (d. 1696), and Chaturbhuj Pothi.
CHAUDAHA RATAN (CHATURDASA RATNAM) (Guru Angad Dev) making the churning-staff of the mountain and the rope of serpent Basak (Vasuki) churned the Guru\'s \'Word. He took out Chaudaha Ratan (fourteen precious things) of virtues and enlightened the world of transmigration. (Var of Satta Balwand, p. 967) (Guru Amar Das) made his spiritual strength the rope of the serpent Basak (Vasuki), which churned the ocean with the chuming-staff of the mountain and enlightened the world by taking out Chaudaha Ratan of virtues. (Var of Satta Balwand, p. 968) Once the sage Durvasa, having been presented with a gariand of flowers by the monarchs of the earth, decided to present it to Indra, the king of gods.
CHAUNKI or Chauki, lit. quarter, a four footed wooden platform upon which sat the holy choir to recite the sacred hymns in a gurdwara or at a gathering of the devotees. The term chaunki also refers to a session of kirtan or hymn singing, the number of singers at such sessions commonly being four, nowadays usually three, playing different instruments. Kirtan is a popular form of worship among Sikhs. At all major gurdwaras at least four kirtan chaunkfs are held. At the central shrine, in Amritsar, the Harimandar, kirtan goes on all the time, from 2.45 a.m. to 9.45 p.m.