DHADDE, village 10 km south of Rampura Phul (30° 16`N, 75° 14`E) in Bathinda district of the Punjab,...
DHADI, one who sings vars or ballads to the accompaniment of a musical instrument called dhad, a drumlet held in the palm of one hand and played with the fingers of the other. A concomitant of dhad is the sarangi, a stringed instrument. Dhadis, patronized by chiefs and princes, eulogized the deeds of valour of the members of the families they served or of popular folk heroes. In the Dasam Granth (Charitra 405), their origin is traced back to the mythological combat between Mahakal and Suasvirya, the first ancestor of the dhadis being born of the sweat of the former.
DHAKA (23 43N, 90 24` E), an old city now capital of Bangladesh, situated on the north bank of Burhi Ganga river, has shrines sacred to Guru Nanak and Guru Tegh Bahadur. Three such gurdwaras commemorating the visits of the Gurus to the city existed until the partition of the country in 1947, but only two of them are now extant GURDWARA NANAKSHAHI, situated in Ramna locality behind the Public Library adjoining the Dhaka University campus, marks the spot where Guru Nanak is believed to have preached at the time of his visit in 150708. A Sikh sangat grew up in the locality, then known as ShUja`atpur or Sujatpur.
DHALEO, locally called Dhalevari, village 6 km southeast of Bhikhi (30° 3`N, 75° 33`E) in Bathinda district of the Punjab, is sacred to Guru Tegh Bahadur who arrived here travelling from Bhikhi during his sojourn in the Malva region. It is said that as Guru Tegh Bahadur was riding towards Gandhuari to see an old Sikh, Bhai Mughlu, lying on his deathbed, he noticed ajogT in meditation on the bank of the pond at Dhaleo. The Guru alighted here on his way back from Gandhuari and held a discourse with the jogi, whose name was Tuisi Das.
DHAMOT (30° 42`N, 76° 2`E), village in Ludhiana district, has a historical shrine sacred to Guru Hargobind. The...
DHAND, village 15 km southwest of Amritsar (31° 38`N, 74° 52`E) along the ChhehartaJhabal road, is sacred to Guru Hargobind (1595-1644), who once came here to fulfil the wish of an old Sikh, Bhai Langaha. Gurdwara Patshahi Chhevin commemorating the visit stands on the southern outs kirts of the village. Its present building was constructed by Sant Gurmukh Singh Sevavale in 1929. The Guru Granth Sahib is seated on a canopied seat of white marble in the doublestoreyed sanctum in the middle of the divan hall.