GURMANTRA, Punjabi Gurmantar, is that esoteric formula or term significant of the Supreme Being or the deity which the master or teacher confides to the neophyte to meditate on when initiating him into his spiritual discipline. The concept of mantra goes back to the pre-Vedic non Aryan tradition and to the primitive cults of magic, animism and to temism. It has since been a continuing element one way or another in the religious traditions of the world and traces of it pervade to this day among the most modern of them. The occultist and the tantrist believe that mantras have power over the deity and can make it confer the desired boon or favour.
GURMAT (gurmat, mat, Sanskrit mati, i.e. counsel or tenets of the Guru, more specifically the religious principles laid down by the Guru) is a term which may in its essential sense be taken to be synonymous with Sikhism itself. It covers doctrinal, prescriptive and directional aspects of Sikh faith and praxis. Besides the basic theological structure, doctrine and tenets derived from the teachings of Guru Nanak and his nine successors, it refers to the whole Sikh way of life both in its individual and social expressions evolved over the centuries. Guidance received by Sikhs in their day today affairs from institutions established by the Gurus and by the community nurtured upon their teachings will also fall within the frame of gurmat.
GURMAT GRANTH PRACHARAK SABHA, an association aiming at propagating Sikh religion through publications, was established at Amritsar on 8 April 1885 by Giani Sardul Singh to continue the work started by his father, Giani Gian Singh (d. 30 March 1884), the first secretary of Sri Guru Singh Sabha, Amritsar, established in 1873. Agia Singh Hakim of Amritsar was elected secretary of the Gurmat Granth Pracharak Sabha. On his death in April 1887, his son. Manna Singh Hakim, succeeded him as its secretary. The Sabha undertook to sponsor research and publish authentic texts of the Gurus` compositions and of other works such as Janam Sakhis and Gurpranalis.
GURMAT MARTAND, by Bhai Kahn Singh, is a glossary in two volumes of terms bearing on different aspects of Sikh religion, theology and belief. The author undertook this work, arranged topically as well as alphabetically, with a view to rectifying some of the misconceptions about certain Sikh theological and conceptual doctrines and notions which had crept in as a result of ignorance of some chroniclers and the general inability of Sikhs to comprehend clearly and correctly the meaning of the canonical texts.
GURMAT PRABHAKAR (gurmat = the Guru`s teaching or instruction; prabhdkar= the sun, light, i.e. illuminator or elucidator) is a compendium of Sikh principles and of the Sikh way of life arranged topic wise and alphabetically by the celebrated Sikh theologian and lexicographer Bhai Kahn Singh of Nabha. First published in 1898, the book is dedicated by the author to "Panth Akali" who is vowed to the welfare of the people and the country. The purpose of the author was to enable the reader locate in the voluminous Guru Granth Sahib verses relevant to any special occasion or to his requirements.