GURMAT PRACHARAK LARI (series of books to propagate the Sikh way of life) was founded in 1919 at Rawalpindi by Giani Sher Singh, an adept in traditional Sikh learning and an influential political leader. In this series, Giani Sher Singh planned to publish one book every month in Punjabi and one book every quarter in Urdu on Sikh history and theology or presenting in simple translation portions of the gurbdm. The first book in this category was Giani Sher Singh`s own Guru Granth ie Panth, published in December 1919.
GURMAT SANGIT or sacred music of the Sikhs. The founder of the Sikh religion, Guru Nanak (1469-1539), composed his religious verse to settings of Indian ragas mostly from the classical tradition. Successive Gurus followed his example and considered divine worship through music the best means of attaining that state which results in communion with God. Religious music is that musical expression which is appropriate to and presented as a definite part of a formal service of worship. Devotional music may have religious texts, but is performed primarily by individuals usually in secular surroundings.
GURMAT SUDHAKAR (lit. Sikh principles explained and illustrated : Sudhdkar= the moon, i.e. the illuminator) is an anthology by Bhai Kahn Singh, of Nabha, of excerpts from old Sikh historical texts and manuals of stipulated conduct. The work, first published in 1899, is divided into sixteen chapters. The opening chapter comprises verses from Guru Gobind Singh, the second from Bhai Gurdas and the third passages from the Janam Sakhi of Bhai Bala. The fourth chapter is culled from Gurbilds Chhevin PdtshdJu. Chapters five is based on Var 1 from Bhai Gurdas.
GURMAT TRACT SOCIETY, dedicated to propagating Sikh religion and history, was founded at Lahore in 1925 by Giahl Kartar Singh Piukh, who changed his pen name from "Piukh" to "Hitkari" in 1929. It published low priced monthly tracts in Punjabi, in Gurmukhi script, for distribution among the Sikh masses. The themes usually were the lives of the Gurus, Sikh teachings, Sikh shrines and persons of importance in Sikh history. The Society planned to publish books and pamphlets in LIrdu and Hindi as well.
GURMUKHI is the name of the script used in writing primarily Punjabi and, secondarily, Sindhi language. The word gurmukhi seems to have gained currency from the use of these letters to record the sayings coming from the mukh (lit. mouth or lips) of the (Sikh) Gurus. The letters no doubt existed before the time of Guru Angad (even of Guru Nanak) as they had their origin in the Brahmi, but the origin of the script is attributed to Guru Angad. He not only modified and rearranged certain letters but also shaped them into a script. He gave new shape and new order to the alphabet and made it precise and accurate.
GURPRANALI, a distinct genre in Punjabi historical writing, providing in prose or in verse chronological information about the lives of the Gurus and of the members of their families. The genre records in the main dates of their birth, marriage and death. Occasionally, the dates of some major events are also mentioned. The genre gained vogue in Sikh times in the first half of the nineteenth century and has continued to claim adherents in the twentieth. For the history of early Sikhism, the gurprandlis along with janam sdkhis constitute serviceable source material.