JAND SAHIB, GURDWARA, dedicated to Guru Gobind Singh, is situated within the revenue limits of Virevala Kalari village, 25 km west of Faridkot (30°40`N, 74°45`E) in the Punjab. This is believed to be the place where, according to Mdlvd Desk Ratan di Sdkhi Potht, Guru Gobind Singh, during his travels through the Malva country, rested awhile in the forest under a ber tree. The name Jand Sahib was given it later, probably because of the abundance of jand trees (Prosopis spicigera) in the forest.
JAND SAHIB, GURDWARA, 5 km west of Chamkaur Sahib (SOS`N. 76°25`E) in Ropar district of the Punjab, stands at the fringe of a vast expanse of marshy grassland. It is sacred to Guru Gobind Singh, who after leaving Chamkaur on the night of 78 December 1705, took a westerly direction passing through a desolate wasteland which even now, during these days of expanding population and intensive cultivation, is no better than a treeless pasture. Here, where Gurdwara Jand Sahib now stands, the Guru stayed awhile under a jand tree to rest his weary limbs.
JANDU SINGHA, village 9 km northeast of Jalandhar (31″20`N, 75°35`E) along the JalandharHoshiarpur road, claims a historic shrine,...
JANGNAMA, by Qazi Nur Muhammad, is an eyewitness account in Persian verse of Ahmad Shah Durrani`s seventh invasion of India, 1764-65, for which it is the only major source of information. A copy of the manuscript in the hand of one Khair Muhammad of Gunjaba was preserved at the District Gazetteer Office at Quetta in Baluchistan from where Karam Singh, state historian of Patiala, made a transcript which was utilized by Dr Ganda Singh in producing an edited version of the Persian text, with a preface and a brief summary in English. The work was published by the Sikh Historical Research Department, Khalsa College, Amritsar, in 1939.
JANGNAMA GURU GOBIND SINGH is a Punjabi ballad by Bir Singh Bal of the village of Sathiala in Amritsar district of the Punjab. Bir Singh was the author of a number of works in Braj Bhasa and. Punjabi which he wrote in the third and fourth decades of the nineteenth century. His theme is primarily Sikh history, though he has also composed Qissd Hir Rdnjhd incorporating the romance of Punjab`s famous lovers, Hir and Ranjha. The Jangndmd, in Punjabi verse, is in the form of a Barah Maha for which reason it is also known as Bdrdn Mdnh Guru Gobind Singh.
JANGNAMA LAHOW:, by Kahn Singh, is a poem describing the battles fought between the British and the Sikhs during 1845-46. Kahn Singh belonged to Bariga, Jalandhar district, and undertook the work at the instance of the British Deputy Commissioner of the area, Mr Vanistart. Though there is no internal evidence to date the work, we can safely assume it to have been completed sometime before 1853 as one of the several manuscript copies of the work which are extant is dated 1910 Bk/AD 1853 by the scribe. The only printed text available is in the anthology Prdchin Varan te Jangndme, edited by Shamsher Singh Ashok.